Sukhi Barber Sculpture, click for home. SukhiBarber, click for home.


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Title :    Disillusion Series, Figure IV

cm:       31 x 24 x 17

inches:  12" x 9.5" x 7"



The quality of wisdom, which is our natural potential, is likened to light. It is the natural radiance of mind. Likewise, our negative emotions and habitual patterns of ignorance can be compared to a veil that keeps us in darkness. In the 'Disillusion Series' this heavy veil is represented by the body of the meditator, his idea of an independent self and all the limiting patterns and emotions that go along with that. As he meditates he gradually lets go of these limitations, so opening himself to the vast potential within, until eventually he is experiencing the purity of his true nature, boundless light and space, like the cloud-free sky.